We will have more on this later after we’ve had a chance to examine the details, but here’s what we know. Governor McAuliffe this morning announced that he was going to attempt a line-item veto of the #BLACKorBUST language prohibiting any expenditures on Medicaid expansion…
Medicaid Expansion
After last week’s grassroots victory in slamming the door shut on the most obvious avenue for Virginia’s Governor to expand Medicaid on his own, all sides are taking stock of their next moves. For the best recap of last week’s events published so far, check…
If the Speaker of the House is opposed to Medicaid Expansion, and if he says that the language already prevents the Governor from unilaterally expanding Medicaid, it seems pretty strange to be so vigorously opposed to Senator Dick Black’s efforts to ensure that’s the case.…
My fellow colleague here at The Bull Elephant, Steve Albertson, has written extensively on the Medicaid Expansion debate in Richmond. Democrats have held the budget hostage with their demands that Medicaid Expansion be included in the budget. Republicans have insisted the the debate and decision…
General Assembly members: if you oppose Medicaid expansion in Virginia, now is finally your chance to have a real impact. There has been a lot of ink spilled lately about whether Terry McAuliffe can expand Medicaid on his own if the Virginia General Assembly doesn’t…
GOP legislators have promised to pass a budget without Medicaid expansion provisions. But if the governor might try to expand Medicaid on his own, what’s the excuse for not trying to stop him, now that Republicans control both houses?
The sudden retirement of Sen. Phil Puckett (D-Tazewell) has apparently provided the impetus for pro-Obamacare Senate Republicans to agree to pass the House’s budget without the so-called “Marketplace Virginia” elements that would have expanded Medicaid. Things sure have moved fast since news broke of Puckett’s…