Too much power in the hands of one man is not a good idea. Sen. Norment should step down from his leadership role.
Shak Hill
Senator Bill Stanley (R-Franklin) has been named State Chairman.
Will you help fight McAuliffe?
The first belief in the Republican Creed of Virginia is “that the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice.”[read_more] Our free enterprise system is better known as Capitalism, and that system uses excellence and competition as their guideposts.…
Politicians running for elected office in Virginia should look like the Virginians they represent. Right? So, the Republican Party should have more ‘diversity’ among candidates to win – right?[read_more] It depends on whether we look at the hearts and minds of Virginians — or their skin.…
2014 has been a very productive time for us here at The Bull Elephant. This was just our first full year, after opening shop late in the 2013 campaign season, but what a remarkable year it has been! Slating. Cantor. Medicaid Expansion. The meteoric campaign…
The Republican party celebrated its 31st Advance earlier this month. (The party rightly calls it an Advance, because the old name was Retreat, which some would interpret as losing ground and hiding from the fight.) Many questions were asked about what happened in the 2014…