The people are noticing this slow erosion of our freedoms and the rising temperature of the threat to our country. They are jumping out the pot.
4th Amendment
The bill, however, has provisions that are worse than the Writs of Assistance, the general warrants that fomented the Revolutionary War and led to creation of the Fourth Amendment.
Government violations of the Constitution happen every day–with impunity–across the entire country
When government wants emails from someone who disagrees with positions of the left, well, it’s irresponsible to protect privacy. Get it?
A renewed focus is needed on the lawlessness, lack of transparency, unethical behavior, and Lois Lerner-like arrogance of state charities regulators.
In his dissenting opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, Chief Justice John Roberts notes that the Supreme Court’s 5 – 4 decision mandating the legal right of gay marriage will assuredly create legal conflicts.[read_more] That’s an understatement. “Hard choices,” writes Roberts, “arise when people of faith…
The National Security Agency’s collection of phone metadata of all Americans under the Patriot Act was defended using national security justifications. A substantial number of Americans, however, believe the NSA violated the Fourth Amendment, which protects our security against unreasonable searches and seizures by government.[read_more]…